First published in Elephant Journal , August 2017 Recently a few of my clients have been contemplating whether it’s time to end therapy. Recently other of my clients have been contemplating whether to end their romantic relationships. Should I stay or should I go and how do I know? Fritz Perls, founder of Gestalt Therapy […]
First published in Elephant Journal You’ve ‘got this’ We are expected to be “on” all the time. On email, on text, on WhatsApp, on the phone. At work, we are “on it”. We feel guilty when we’re not. We feel good when we have delivered a great project and receive applause. We feel driven to […]
What is EMDR? EMDR is a way to change unhelpful core beliefs which we develop in our early family environment, such as ‘I’m not good enough, ‘I’m unworthy’ or ‘I’m powerless.’ These unhelpful core beliefs affect our thinking patterns, feelings, behaviour and physiology. EMDR was invented by psychologist Dr Francine Shapiro. In 1987 as she […]
Toolkit to Happiness
Rewire your brain with this simple neuroscience proven technique to instantly feel more: (insert word of your choice) bold; calm; optimistic; organised etc.